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    I’m at the NRBA (National REO Brokers Association) convention this week, in fact I’m composing this post really at the convention.

    The world of REO has undoubtedly shifted in many parts of the state. The seminar four years past there were over 1,000 individuals in attendance at the convention; this and is for REO listing brokers year be 250. there might Not only from the info presented, although I learned a lot while at the convention.

    I think of new ideas, meet new folks and I ‘ve time to consider my company. It’s so simple to get caught up in the grind that we think about the big picture and do not always have time to plan.

    After some reflection, I Have recognized there are 3 significant advantages to everyone should be attending seminars like the one I am at right now.

    1. It Gets Us Out Of The Box

    I get stuck in the daily grind quite simple.

    I ‘ve lots of different things happening as I discussed on Larger Pockets Podcast 68. I possess ten leases, have 8 repair and flips going right now I ‘ve a property team and listings.

    I have something to do and it is difficult to take time to plan and think about what my aims are and where my company is going. There are while I come to seminars and some of them are not that exciting.

    It allows me time to consider my company, what I’m doing, what new things I can execute and what I can do.

    2. Brings To Focus Things I May Do To Enhance Bussiness

    Going to conventions, whether it’s FICON or the NRBA that I wrote about a couple months ago, they give me so many wonderful thoughts!

    I match with a ton of people that are like minded successful investors, realtors or both. When I network, not only do I get new thoughts and meet new people, I also get company that is potential from it.

    I’m also reminded that we’re going to seminars to enhance our company so we can reach what truly desire in life. Purchase listening to speakers I consistently have a notebook full of ideas and refinements I can make to enhance my company and speaking to brokers.

    At this seminar I was reminded about a task list I’d created after my last seminar that I never ended. It was augmented into my brain that I should contact folks I met at the last summit to strengthen our networking.

    Many of the agents I speak to are investors too despite the fact that this convention is for REO brokers. I’ve met multiple people flipping and fix and I played golf with an agent who has 26 leases.

    All of us share our experiences and how we’re doing things invest and to make more cash.

    Connected: Don’t Underestimate the Value of Networking

    3. Creates Driven Delegation

    I understand many folks are believing I can not go to a convention, who’ll take care of my company?!

    If you’ve got an established company of any type you must have an assistant. I have 9 people on my team because they let me go to conventions or on holiday without having to worry about work and I adore them.

    I talk much more about delegation and hiring in this post. The president of the NRBA in his opening address made a purpose that was fantastic. He said many folks do not need to hire individuals or a team because of work and all the hassle it takes to run a team.

    The truth is a team and helpers make everything simpler. The team can run the team for the most part if you hire the right individuals. They’re able to do jobs and all the busy work you do not enjoy doing.

    A team will give you the time.


    Locate a method to take time off to pursue seminars in your area or a subject you’re interested in. It’ll educate you on lots of excellent info and give you mindset and the time to plan and make yourself successful.

    What’s a conference you have attended that’s been extremely impactful for your company?